Tertiary colors on color wheel
Tertiary colors on color wheel

tertiary colors on color wheel

If we wanted to keep red, green, and blue as primaries, this could be doneby promoting aquamarine to a secondary color, resulting in this color wheel.The primaries once again become red, green, and blue, but nowthere are two sets of secondaries, one being cyan, magenta, and yellow,with the other being a close approximation of traditional secondaries, orange, aquamarine,and violet.

tertiary colors on color wheel

The primaries are magenta, orange, green, and blue, and the secondaries are red, yellow, cyan, and violet. The way the Apple II's video worked (what I called "Apple II VideoDisplay Theory") was the subject of a discussion on created the color wheel to the left during this discussion, based on myobservations. Therefore, what that high bit was doing wasdetermining which axis the color went along! If thehigh bit was set, the pixels would appear either orange or blue (or white).In the YIQ color system, the I axis runs from cyan to orange, and the Q axisruns from green to violet. If the high bit of thebyte in memory was cleared, the pixels represented by that byte would appeareither green or magenta (or white, if two consecutive bits were set). In high-resolution graphics mode, you could get four colors(other than black and white), which came in two groups. It's all pretty complicated and outside the scope of whatI even care about. The Apple II used some wacky properties of the NTSC color system to achieveits color graphics.

Tertiary colors on color wheel